Thursday, April 17, 2014

In Their Own Words - Anais Nin

   A friend once told me that the more you come to understand science, the less you will be drawn to issues of spirituality.  In his way of thinking, the two were incompatible.

   I wish I had known these words of Anais Nin back then. Now, the more I know of science, the more I am in awe.  Answers only open up more questions...there is always more mystery!  And some questions can only be answered in spiritual terms. I suppose this is the primary lesson I've learned during the years I've practice contemplative photography; I don't need science to explain everything.

   I may understand the mechanics of  the migration of the Monarch butterfly (the longest of any butterfly on earth)  but it doesn't impede my wonder of the journey these little creatures make.  What brings them to one specific place year after year?  How is the knowledge of the journey implanted in each new generation?  What an amazing act of pure faith they exhibit...of course, my friend would say it is merely each his own.

   The following is a link to a beautiful video of the migration of the Monarchs each year from Canada to Mexico.  It includes some breath taking footage created by my favorite wildlife videographer, Louie Schwartzberg.  What a transcendent experience it must have been for him to film these lovely creatures.  Yes, knowing the science of their yearly migration does not dispel the mystery and sense of wonder for me.

   The monarchs are in trouble but you can help.  Creating small rest stops in your backyard or along the roadside for these amazing creatures will help them on their journey and it can be as simple as planting the common milkweed plant.  Find out why there has been a sudden decrease in this specie of butterfly and other ways you can help these wonderful creatures...


kimmanleyort said...

Wow, Patricia, I can't believe how often our posts are in synch - similar topics, yet different too. I wrote about Louie Schwartzberg and science and wonder this week. Now, I will watch this video, which I haven't seen yet. Thank you.

Patricia Turner said...

Yes, there does seem to be a synchronicity between us! This post was written 10 days ago. Our consciousness seem to be mining the same part of the universe! What fun!

Mystic Meandering said...

Patricia, just to let you know, there doesn't seem to be a video of the sound of the Monarchs on your link. It just appears to be an article about the film maker, even though the title says (Video). I couldn't find the right link evidently. PS - I hope you repost your post on Hidden Within the Light. :) It came up on my blogger dashboard and I started reading it, but couldn't get the whole thing. Sounds fascinating! :)

Patricia Turner said...

Oh, sorry Christine. I will be posting the "Hidden within the Light" post later this month. I accidentally posted it today but took it right back down. The video is in the link, try it again.