Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Thought for Today...We're all broken

  This was one of the "breadcrumbs" I picked up on my SoulCollage® retreat last weekend.  The split on this birch tree ran its whole length but it still seemed to be thriving.  I immediately recalled this Hemingway quotation. It also seemed appropriate for the workshop I was taking.  Essential parts of ourselves are often revealed when we allow our soul to open up.

   We had spent the morning talking about the "trans-personal" cards, Source, Soul Essence, and Witness.  These are difficult concepts since they are somewhat abstract and formless.  I later found an image during my contemplative stroll on the grounds that seemed to clarify the idea for me.

The three trunks are united at the base. Their roots go deep into the earth. They are three distinct entities with a common base. Coming from a Christian background, I naturally saw it in the light of the trinity.   But what I love about the SoulCollage®
experience is that it welcomes and honors all faith traditions or no faith tradition at all.  It becomes what you need it to become.  It is an expansive umbrella the shelters all sorts of people; it is inclusive and protective of each individual soul.

    If you are interested in learning a bit more about the
SoulCollage® process, follow these links.  Find a facilitator near you and take an introductory class.  It is really a fascinating process and it synchronizes beautifully with contemplative photography.

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