Thursday, March 21, 2013

Recovering from N.D.D.

"We place our souls in jeopardy to the
extent we live apart form the richness
of the rest of creation...We suffer from
"nature deficit disorder..."

-Matthew Fox

   After an especially long and tediously repetitive winter of snow (17 inches fell two days ago!) and forced in-dwelling, my heart aches for Spring.  I truly am, in Matthew Fox's words, suffering from N.D.D. (nature deficit disorder).  Traveling south in a few weeks, I am hoping the Spring washed hills of eastern Kentucky will bring me fresh inspiration.

Springtime in my studio garden here in Maine.
How I long to see this again!
    I think what I love most about being a contemplative photographer is this on-going love affair I have with the natural world.  It is a revitalizing tonic for my winter weary soul.  The greening of the world is mirrored in my renewed determination to surround myself with Nature.

   It's not that I don't love the winter's whiteness and subtle "Winter Etching" series is a continual joy... but there is something about Spring that lifts the heart in a special way.  One's own senses seem to prickle with anticipation. 

 "Spring is when life's alive in everything." -Christine Rossetti

     Join me in celebrating, at least on the calendar, the start of Spring and the Equinox.  Promise yourself that this will be the year you fully and truly recover from N.D.D.  Commit yourself to a daily dose of Nature's healing tonic.  Go for a walk in a lovely landscape and don't forget to take your camera!

"Sun and moon divide the sky,
Fragrance blooms on pear wood bones;
Earth awakens with a sigh.
Wanderer revels on the path alone."

Daily Meditations
- Deng Ming-Dao

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