Friday, March 15, 2013

Living on the Edge...

The Thin White Edge
   On February 19th I posted "The Layered Landscape" and spoke about trying to reach the deepest level of awareness in the landscape.  I also mentioned that I'd only truly reached that profound state of understanding twice...once in the Burren in County Clare Ireland and once on the Western edge of South Uist.  Both those encounters took place on the edge of the sea and I don't think it was a coincidence.

   Where the sea meets the land is a "Thin Place"...a place in the world where the veil between the knowable and the unknowable is the most transparent.  I've also found it is a place that opens your mind up to unimagined possibilities. Perhaps it is the sea air that clarifies the mind or the pulsing energy of the ebb and flow of the tide but that place, that thin white line between the land and the water is a special place.  There the energy and synchronistic partnership between earth and sea is its strongest.  It stands to reason that these places would also offer the most possibility for insightful experiences.

    I suppose that is why I am so drawn to islands whose boundaries are defined by this thin edge.  Island people have the wonderful opportunity of living on this razor thin edge everyday.  I envy them.  Tomorrow I will discuss this love I have for islands but, for the time being, consider where you can go in the months ahead to experience this phenomenon of living on the edge.  Who knows what insights you will gather there.

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