Sunday, March 10, 2013

PhotoTao Card #21: Adaptability...

Card #21

 The sage knows how to let go of what she
wants and where she thinks she is going.
Give in...say "yes" instead of "no".  Watch
the way water always takes the easy way.
Force yourself to find a new focus.  When you are at
the seaside, photograph anything other than the sea.
Experiment with your ability to change direction.

   Keep your mind open to unexpected photographic opportunities.  Marching purposefully to the mountain top to photograph the view may lead you to miss great images just off the path on  your way there.

   Go for a walk and stop from time to time and look around to see what draws your attention.  Spend time on the journey and not just the destination...allow yourself to be "side tracked".

   I had been walking around Santa Fe for some time and thought I'd pretty much "done" this part of town.  I went into the amazing Georgia O'Keeffe Museum as a way to end my day. I was so inspired by her paintings that when I left the museum I began to see things quite differently.  This photograph was made at that time.  I'd already walked by this building twice and had not given it a moments pause.  Now it drew my eye to its simplicity and strong graphic quality.  What a difference a few hours in the museum made!


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