Life is so full of meaning and
purpose, so full of beauty...beneath
its covering...that you find earth
but cloaks your heaven. Courage
then to claim it, that is all!
- Fra Giovanni
Lately it seems as if my connection in the landscape is with the humble bee! I seem to photograph them everywhere. This handsome specimen drew my attention on a walk around Fresh Pond Reservation in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I will be leading a contemplative stroll there this weekend and I was getting a feel for the place. I made two bee portraits on Star Island as well. As I have said numerous times, repetition brings revelation. The bees had a message for me to contemplate and I will pursue that line of thought in my journal this week.
There is meaning and purpose to everything you choose to photograph. With every image you are forging a connection with some element of the landscape. I love Fra Giovanni's idea that "earth but cloaks your heaven." There is a spiritual essence which is inherent in the is the role of the contemplative photographer to gather it in through their camera work.
I will be developing this idea of the spiritual essence of landscape in future posts. It is a subject that is near and dear to my heart as I try to continually to forge connections with living landscape.
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