Wednesday, November 13, 2013

You Know You are a Contemplative Photographer When.....

What you seek is also seeking you. are able to embrace the metaphoric capability of the living landscape. practice heightened awareness and hone your perception skills to look beyond the surface quality of things. consider your journal as important as your camera. follow your heart's GPS trusting that it will never lead you astray. remain open to the spontaneous and the serendipitous. know that wherever you are is where you should be and you will receive the images you need. stop being a "taker of photographs" and become a "receiver of images". enter into a co-creative conspiracy with the landscape. learn to see the divine fingerprint in the natural world and the sacred in the commonplace. travel with the heart of a pilgrim and not the mindset of the tourist. can read your photograph as easily as the printed page. realize that the wisdom of the landscape is everywhere and that there are no unsuitable places or unworthy images.

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