Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lions and Tigers and Wild Boar...Oh My!

   If there is a light and sunny side, there must be a dark and foreboding side and there is one on St. John.  It can be in the intense sadness of the Annaberg Sugar plantation or in the deep forests along Center Line Road.  Here, especially along the Reef Bay trail, wild boar roam.  Elusive creatures, I got this image from the See St. John site (link below).  I was unlikely to run across one but on my last trip I did hear them crashing through the forest as we made our way to the petroglyphs.

   There are trees that are dangerous as well.  I won't mention the various bugs and such.  Just be aware if you visit  any of the Caribbean islands that " your not in Kansas anymore, Toto!" 

   After glorying in the beauty and tranquility of the island, it was good to contemplate the other side of the coin.  This place may be dubbed "paradise" but, as we know, there is always the flip side.

   I especially enjoy driving through the mangrove forests.  They look like walking trees to me. Really quite eery looking.  This one also carried a "backpack"...a giant termite nest! (Termites won't hurt you of course, just your house!) These strange looking trees have a gentle side as well.  In Hurricane Hole on the East end of St. John, these trees grow in the water along the shore and are nature's nursery for many species of fish.  The barracuda (those scary guys with the BIG teeth!) can't get in between the mangrove roots so the baby fish seek sanctuary there.  We all need such places.

   I hope I haven't put you off a visit to St. John! Take a look at the site linked below and I'm sure you'll see the balance here definitely favors the "sunny and light" side!

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